I'm world-famous in Blogastan

I don't like to brag or anything, but yours truly is about to be published in a very prestigious journal. Competition was quite fierce. Ferocious, in fact.

McSweeney's, Plowshares and The New Yorker can suck it! (Scroll down until you see my sobriquet.)


Elvis McFatPants said...

Congratulations, getting on The Cheezburger. It is a big deal. Right now at work it is the rage. Most of the computer screens have some sort of image and wisdom from the site. When the soda machine broke the out of order sign was done in "Cheezburger" "u can't haz a soda, macheen is brok"

Lizzy said...

Very prestigious, indeed! : )

fish said...

A well deserved honor for a talented poet.

Mr. Middlebrow said...

Thanks, y'all.

Back to fact: I'm the mack and I know that ;^)