Just when I thought U2 couldn't get any cooler.

When he picked up his best original screenplay Oscar for Almost Famous, I remember Cameron Crowe describing the movie as a love letter to music and his family.

That's what U2 has done with the "Window in the Skies" video: unwrapped a Whitman's Valentine sampler to pop music and everybody who loves it. Leave it to Bono and the boys to take oh-so-postmodern concepts like sampling and mashups and turn them inside-out, revealing their gooey, nutty center. I love how they connect the dots from Louis Armstrong to Jay Z, with stops at Johnny Cash, Keith Moon, Franks Zappa and Sinatra, and Elivses Costello and Presley to prove what we've suspected all along: Rock and roll is a palimpsest.

After half a dozen viewings, I gotta say the Flavor Flav "To love I rhapsodize" moment is my favorite. For now. What's yours?

Thanks to Dennis for the link.

UPDATE: Turns out the clip's director, Gary Koepke, is an ad guy. For an agency that, IIRC, works on Hummer. But whatever.


Tara said...

Good rreading your post

Tara said...

Hello mate, great blog.